Why the school musical matters
I wasn't expecting to enjoy myself.
Musicals aren't really my thing and a musical adaptation of Cinderella was surely going to be too much to bear.
And yet I had a great time. The script was genuinely funny while I enjoyed the cheesy songs more than I should admit. I found the complex dance routines dazzlingly impressive.
Most importantly, everyone was having so much fun. The audience (encouragingly large, with plenty of parents as well as students of all ages) was roaring with laughter and clapping along to the music. Those on stage were clearly relishing the attention.
Events like these shouldn't be seen as an added bonus for the school. If we are to have a positive atmosphere around the place we need nights like this, where students, teachers and parents get together and enjoy an occasion. An evening like this does so much to make everyone proud of the school.
So let's add that to the much-vaunted "Development Strategy": must have more fun.